the nodes of the moon

“The Nodes of the Moon are not planetary bodies; they are points formed by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth’s path around the sun. The direction of the nodes is counterclockwise.” ~ Jan Spiller, Astrology for the Soul (1997)

The North node pulls us towards our destiny, soul purpose & evolution. it is essentially our highest possible vibration. when we work with the north node we can uncover our hidden gifts and talents — we have the ability to truly evolve and become who we are meant to become.

Opposite that energy is the South node, which represents our past life journey – the places our soul has been before, the karmic patterns we are here to break. The patterns that feel so ingrained in us that they can be difficult to detect or release. When the South node is in play, we ask ourselves what is it that we need to release in order to achieve our true destiny? 

While the North node is our highest potential vibration, the South node brings to light our lowest vibration. As the nodes move through a person’s chart, they can bring about fated life events or can almost have a vacuum–like effect, sucking out what is keeping us off our highest path, leaving us with the bare minimum so we can start over again more honestly. 

On July 17th, the nodes are *finally* leaving the Taurus/Scorpio axis, where they have been since January 2022. The North node will now move into Aries and the South to Libra. It will be a collective moment of embracing individuality. this will especially impact those with Aries/Libra heavy charts. 

People with heavy Taurus/Scorpio energy have been experiencing fated events during this time, causing them to reassess their relationship with things that are so tied to their identities. Control, power, grief, powerlessness. Materialism, finances, and possessions. Trying to live more sustainably, less indulgently. Becoming more aware of the power of our five senses and embracing true relaxation. As a Scorpio stellium I know I learned a lot about the beauty in my own ability to grieve and that I don’t always need to get to the root of everything. So many of us will come out of this transit (hopefully) more at peace with our own intensity and passion.

Shifting into this Aries/Libra energy, this is a moment for trusting our impulses, being courageous, taking action. It will also be about breaking codependent cycles, embracing self-love and self-nurturance. You’re going to see a lot of people “choose themselves” over the next year. Like the iconic Samantha Jones quote, “I love you, but I love me more.” 

This is because the North node will be pulling us towards Aries energy, the energy that embraces self-sufficiency, independence, courageousness and action more than any other sign. The South node will be highlighting what we need to release in the Libra areas of our life — aka people pleasing, over attachment to aesthetics, being overly diplomatic and putting your relationships ahead of your own well-being. when in doubt during this transit, think of samantha jones. THIS TRANSIT ENDS January 11, 2025. 

BELOW ARE THE North node in Aries affirmations from Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul, one of my favorite astrology books of all time:

“When I trust myself and follow my impulses, everyone wins.”

“Before I can support others, I have to learn how to nurture myself.”

“I can help others best by being truly myself.”

“It’s okay to not be nice all the time.” 

“A sense of balance and strength comes from being fair with myself.” 


pluto retrograde in aquarius


the last time saturn was in pisces (a playlist)