Drew Allen launched Angelite Astrology in 2018 out of her Williamsburg, Brooklyn apartment and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. She is a practicing astrologer, writer and podcaster - previously featured in Bustle & Cosmopolitan.

Drew’s style of reading is highly intuitive, but *some* of her favorite tools & methods include secondary progressions, medical astrology, annual profections & channeling predictive insights by way of examining the upcoming transits. Ultimately, her main goal as an astrologer is to create a session that focuses on the fortification of self-love and fostering self-acceptance, to create space for disregarded or ignored parts of the self by inviting in positive energy and unconditional love. She loves using astrology to provide context for times in our life that feel overwhelming. the use of astrology as a tool for self-knowledge & exploration, love, and acceptance is something Drew holds dear. in speaking of her practice, Drew shares that “Astrology changed my life in that way, and I want to spread that to others.”

Drew has completed courses in various branches of astrology with teachers such as Annabel Gat, Catherine Urban and Rebecca Gordon. She also loves learning from her clients. With every story they share, the more she learns about the layers of meaning within any transit, aspect, or placement. She also draws a ton of inspiration from Linda Goodman’s Love Signs, the book that started it all for her & Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul as she loves to help people understand their nodal journey and talk about past lives.

One on one natal chart consultations are held on Zoom, and Drew is available for in person events in the Los Angeles area.

Click here to book your session.