sag season perspective


sagittarius wanders through life searching for truth and meaning in everything. this can lead them to some interesting places. jupiter is their ruling planet so they tend to stumble into good luck and abundance as they wander. for them, it’s about the freedom to experience life. they tend to harness more luck when they are exploring the places and passions they feel called to. sagittarius is here to teach us the beauty of being truly uninhibited. I have grown to love my mars in sagittarius, embracing it as the part of me that will shoot my shot and take a risk with confidence and resilience.

even though sagittarius season has been typical in some ways (like me being on a plane four times) — this season surprised me in the sense that it taught me so much about the power of patience and softness. being soft will set you free.♡

this sag season coincides with the final moment of my saturn return and mars retrograde, which peaked on 12.7.22 when the full moon in gemini occurred. there’s been a general feeling of frustration in the air, especially for the mutable signs (gemini, sagittarius, virgo, pisces).even though we want answers and pay off for the painful things we are letting go of, we have to move forward and unconditionally love ourselves throughout the process. we have to love ourselves through the not knowing.

patience has been everything throughout this moon cycle. patience is our capacity to accept delay, the operative word being accept. with mars retrograde in play, the delays are inevitable. a season usually dedicated to being on the go, feels more about a need for stillness.

sag season offers us the gift of big picture thinking, the idea that if we can zoom out a little and accept that these delays are occurring for a reason, we might be able to enjoy the ride a bit more. this moment is like being on a road trip, but one where you make a wrong turn and end up 3 hours out of the way, and yet the scenery is undeniably beautiful if you stop and look around for a second. we can’t rush to our next destination without accepting where we are first.

as i approach the final conjunction of my saturn return with some sag season perspective, i understand more why saturn removes unsustainable structures from our lives with such force. it does this to try and help us get on our truest path. it will remove relationships and enviornments, illuminate cycles and coping mechanisms - all in an effort to help you realize that the most unsustainable structure of all is self-hatred, self-doubt and negative stories you tell yourself.

♡ loving yourself will set you free. trusting yourself will set you free. ♡




the last time saturn was in pisces (a playlist)


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